This show for children is based on a series of travel postcards. The same journey is shown in two different ways. Firstly, the journey is carried out by two friends and seen from the home of two friends, on a large screen. The characters in the film move in and out of the screen (with illusionistic precision), while the postcards arrive, delivered by the postman. The same journey is then recreated by the two friends at home, using the various carpets as a backdrop.
Teatro-postal is a reverie around cinematographic and theatrical representation, highlighting both the narrative and imagistic freedom that representation in general allows and the devices specific to theatre (and video within theatre). The faraway places of the journey are here a metaphor for the possibility of inventing.
direction Jorge Andrade ‧ text colective ‧ with Anabela Almeida, Cláudia Gaiolas, Inês Lopes and Miguel Fragata ‧ set design José Capela ‧ video Bruno Canas ‧ coproduction Teatro do Campo Alegre – Serviço Educativo ‧
December 8 to 17, 2006 ‧ Teatro do Campo Alegre (Porto)
January 16 to 18, 2007 ‧ Pequeno Auditório do Centro Cultural Vila Flor (Guimarães)