In Plano Comensal de Leitura, Marta Bernardes sets the challenge: let’s imagine every dining room, every living room and every classroom as an ambitious ‘national theatre’. Based on Afonso Cruz’s novel Vamos Comprar um Poeta, a story about the importance of Poetry, Creativity and Culture in our lives, which celebrates the beauty of ideas and selfless actions, the show discusses the role of theatre and art in public affairs, thinking about it from the small private and domestic actions that everyone can, can manage or wants to do. On stage, we talk about politics, beauty and utopia with a sense of humour and a sense of love.

from Vamos Comprar Um poeta, by Afonso Cruz artistic direction Marta Bernardes cocreation and performance Ricardo Vaz Trindade, Catarina Carvalho Gomes, João Castro, Vanda R Rodrigues executive production Vanda R Rodrigues technical direction Ricardo Vaz Trindade photo and video Belmiro Ribeiro production support Catarina Carvalho special guests Afonso Cruz and Alvaro Laborinho Lúcio


January 19 to 23 ‧ mala voadora